Vegans and Vegetarians of Alberta

Vegan Poetry Slam

Die Pie 11817 105 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

We are back once again to showcase Vegan Poetry! Last year was huge success and we ended up raising close to $1,000.00 for F.A.R.R.M and the Edmonton Vegan Activists.  We will have people from Edmonton Reading as well as Out of town. Everyone is welcome! This is a Fundraiser! This year we will not have a silent auction, […]

February Diner’s Club – The Moth

The Moth Cafe 9449 Jasper Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Join us for our February Diner's Club at the Moth. Their food is delicious and the company is always great.

VVoA Monthly Potluck

Riverdale Community League 9231 100 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Brig your own plates, cutlery, beverage and serving spoon plus a favourite vegan potluck dish to serve at least 6 people (per adult attending). Everyone is welcome! We will be in the Riverdale Rinkhouse (Smaller building) Cost is $3 members; $5 non-members (to cover the cost of the hall rental)