Guests & Speakers

Margaret Marean
Margaret Marean is a registered psychologist who works with food addiction, disordered eating, positive
psychology, depression and anxiety. She is passionate about brain health and nutritional psychology, and
truly believes that a healthy, whole food vegan diet can have positive impacts on mental health and the
overall health of the brain, as well as on physical health, the health of the planet and the well-being of all
living beings. She has been vegan since 1998 and vegetarian prior to that, and has been on the board of
VVoA since 1989. She loves being active, being a grandmother and keeping up to date on nutritional

She is one of the most active animal rights activists in Canada, trying to make up for all the animals she has consumed in her past. Going Vegan at 48 years of age, for a total of 3 years vegan and 3 years as an animal rights activist, her message has changed over the years. She believes that the world view of these innocent creatures needs to change. She feels we need to connect or reconnect with the animals, understand they feel, think and suffer just like us. “They need you to decipher their screams into words that say, I don’t want to die”. People know right from wrong; we don’t need to tell them. So why is it so hard to get people to see them as individuals? What is stopping them? She will give you her version of why and what needs to happen in order for people to change…however she did not like it at first for it goes against everything she was taught as an abolitionist activist. So What is it? Come to the shortest speech ever to find out.

The Spicy Soy Boys
Maxwell Mah and Marc Biollo are a duet from Edmonton, Alberta known as the Spicy Soy Boys. They formed the band with the intention of spreading awareness of the abuse and cruelty towards animals through music. The Spicy Soy Boys perform renditions of well-known songs with a twist of ingenious word play. These lyrics depict the reality of the animals in Factory Farming and their suffering in slaughterhouses. Not only do they remake classics, but they also create their own music. One of their most beloved songs is “The Vegan Blues” (which you can find on YouTube) and they are always creating more, they will never stop. Until they take their last breath, they will sing for the animals so everyone can hear their voices.

Christine Werk
Christine is an avid gardener who has learned from the experts and has given talks on safe canning practices in the past. She has been vegan for three years and regularly uses preserved plants to make vegan cooking easier/tastier.
Too much produce all at once? Want to simplify recipes after a long day working? Food preservation might be the key. Preservation includes storing in a cool space, freezing, dehydrating, pickling, fermenting, canning or even pressure canning. Join Christine for a discussion of some easy and more challenging ways to keep our plants tasty and nutritious year round.

Liana Tiriac
As a plant based chef, a food blogger at and a huge advocate for the Whole Food Plant Based diet, Liana has made it her life mission to master the art of making plant foods taste delicious through various cooking techniques, impressing both vegans and non-vegans alike. Since following a WFPB diet she has lost over 40 pounds, reversed her pre-diabetes, and cleared her skin. In her cooking demo, she will show you a quick and easy recipe that will wow your taste buds on your journey to better health.

DJ Infamous
Johnny Infamous is one of Edmonton’s most sought-after DJs, and popular radio hosts. DJ Infamous is known for his eclectic music mixing style, and has hosted countless events around Edmonton, from weddings to the 2020 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs. Currently, DJ Infamous is the official DJ of the Edmonton Elks. Come feel the music for yourself at VegFest Edmonton!

Dr. Ze'ev Gross
Learn from Dr. Gross. As an experienced vegan family physician, he's often spoke about many advantages and disadvantages of the vegan diet as it pertains to health. Keep an eye on our social media accounts to have your opinion on what should be discussed in his speech this year. Alternatively, you can send your suggestions to us at

Alexis Hillyard
Alexis is the creator of Stump Kitchen, her YouTube show that centres disability in the kitchen, gluten free vegan cooking, and the amazing, unique ways we move through the world. In addition to cooking, Alexis loves to play ukulele, have fun with her bionic arm ‘Billie’, and adores being mom to an energetic toddler!