Marc Biollo
Marc was raised on an cattle farm and left that lifestyle in his early 20’s and has been living in Edmonton since 1997. In 2003 he read the book “Diet for a New America” and became vegetarian afterwards. When he became vegetarian he immediately went looking for others with the same mind set and found the Vegans and Vegetarians of Alberta. He has joined as a board member several times over the years for he felt the need to participate more. Marc has raised a couple of beautiful children, a boy and girl, and then became vegan in 2017. He joined and became an organizer for Anonymous for the Voiceless and is now a Co-organizer for We the Free, Edmonton Animal Save, Direct Action Everywhere and the Plant Based Treaty. He has been a career counselor working with people with disabilities for over 27 years, however he is now working at Campbell College supporting students towards their internships. His hobbies include cycling, meditation, yoga, juggling, playing on the spiralgraph and is Practicing Buddhism. Marc has also found that being dedicated to speaking out for the animals has also made him a dedicated humanitarian.